Monday, August 20, 2007

What is wrong with the world????

I just wanted to come home and get back to life easily.
but nnooooooooooooooo
everybody seems to have waited for my arrival to ask for all sorts of stuff:
mom needs a presentation
friends need programming assignment help
brother needs babysitting and someone to go to a show with the kids
other friends think it is essential that I go on a blind date this week
other friends think it is really not Ok that I can't go to Jerusalem this week to meet them
other friends want me to help plan a party

let me be. I can't even crap without the phone ringing.
love you guys.


Jette said...

Oh, you poor thing! Just too popular. Try being nasty to people... it works a treat! Or just stop whinging! My phone has rung about 5 times since I came back over 2 weeks ago and every time it was my mum or my boyfriend. Hmm... maybe you could divert some of your calls - and popularity? ;)
Things will settle, don't worry. And at least you're not bored...

a said...

oh, poor jette! next time i'll ring skype, instead of chatting. does it count as a phone call?...

rui soares costa said...

Man! Nothing is wrong with the world it's just your awful popularity... You have to start to be bad to people... You can begin by biting anyone that tries to establish any kind of interaction with you! It’s just an idea…

Jette, don’t worry! 5 calls are farther more expressive than the ones I received in my cell phone…