Thursday, October 25, 2007

londoner squirrel

a photo for jette

Monday, October 22, 2007


Oh, I'm so glad someone finally wrote something. I was starting to wonder if anyone else actually still looked at this page once in a while. I check it twenty times a day hoping there is something to read and wondering whether I should bore you with another of my rambles or rather try to do work.
I'll try out iProcrastinate. Although I already have a plethora of strategies against procrastinating and none of them help. Let's see. I'll keep you posted.
What is everyone else up to?
All I know is that A, Y, and N just met up in London and saw a very green musical, Y visited R in Amsterdam, G is busy with phonetics and his new bar job, and I am working fairly productively on a research plan, a paper and becoming strong in the climbing gym.
What about Stripey and his Princesa? Now that they're reunited they seem to be very busy (with each other?) ;)
How are you all? Tell me, tell me! I miss you! Still... or again ?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Trying to understand the stats involved in designing a psychological experiment just pissed me off more than anything since I found out what a dick my ex is! Anova, F-statistic, t-test, variance, standard deviation, moment generating functions, latin square designs...
I always thought I was halfway intelligent, I mean I was good in school, maths was always my favourite subject, I understood all this stats shit at uni, even got good grades... *I* used to be the smart kid in class!! F%#@! I heaved at least 3 of my friends through uni maths and stats by letting them copy homework and explaining everything to them a hundred times! What happened? When did I become so DUMB?? Man, I just screamed along to Led Zeppelin, yelled at my flatmate and my friend who's visiting from Germany, did 30 push ups and drank two glasses of straight vodka and I'm still *totally* pissed off!
It all just makes me think of what else I should do with my life instead - and be happy. Why did I not become a professional skiing instructor? A carpenter? An architect even? Gardener? Taylor? (Bad) singer? TV presenter? Eremite? Super model? Pornstar? BOXER! Marketer? Farmer? Anything!! Aaaaaaaaaarrgghhhhhhh.........